Saturday, January 31, 2009

Catholic Schools Week

Later today: My car was egged last night. Stupid punk Yakimites. But the really sweet part of the story is that Steve asked to borrow it (his car is broken) and went and got it cleaned for me.

Currently reading The Giver with my seventh graders.

We had a crazy week of school this week, due to Catholic Schools Week. There are three Catholic schools in the valley, and each of us had tons of things to do during the week, as there was a theme for each day. On Friday all of the schools got together for a mass, and it was fun to see everyone all together. It was also fun because Steve was there too, and LV Elizabeth, who is one of the young volunteers in Yakima. And then we had a staff and teachers luncheon, which was a good time because we all got to mingle together.

Kelsey, the girl whose place I took in the community, is up visiting this weekend, and she is a lot of fun. We went out last night and ran into a ton of parents and coworkers, and had a grand old time. One of my student's parents picked up our whole tab! This is one of the wonderful things about such a small town. I didn't pay for anything that I ate or drank last night. But we met some other young people through said coworkers, and they actually seemed like people we might see again, which is good. So things are looking up on the friends front. :)

Off to run some errands...I want to hit up the library and some stores this afternoon. (I have a lot of Christmas gift cards.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

somebody's making friiiends...

somebody's making friiiiiends...

8 )