Friday, June 20, 2008

To Protect the Innocent

So I found out while reading my program handbook the day before yesterday that I'm not suppose to be blogging as a member of this program. The caviat was that if you don't use names of schools, students, etc. you still could. So this may end up seeming a little vague, but that's ok. It's good practice for all the papers I write this year where I have to protect the innocent by changing their names, etc.

The pace is picking up a little bit here. Yesterday I filled out miles of paperwork and became an official member of AmeriCorps. Today I have the actual graduate school of education orientation and then I have to buy a few books. S, one of my unnamed new roommates, gave me a bunch of his old ones, which was really nice of him and helps me out A LOT. Last night everyone in the program went to a Portland Beavers game, which was a lot of fun, even though I was yawning almost the whole time as a result of my insomnia. I need to start sleeping later.

Connecting with the new roommates is a little tricky as the three of them are good friends already, but they've been incredibly welcoming and encouraging. I'm the only first year moving into an established community. The other four are all starting a fresh one, so it's hard not to feel like the odd man out in both situations. But I know things will get easier when classes start on Monday. I'm excited for that.

I've been thinking about home and missing you all a lot. I'm trying to be good about emailing people back, but please be patient. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers's going to be a long but rewarding two and a bit years.

PS- my family will be apalled at this, but I've been drinking skim milk, because that's what my community drinks, and I don't mind it! It's crazy the things you learn about yourself when you move away from home. :)


Anne Appert said...

Melatonin might help...3mg.

And Annie and I mutually appalled at the skim milk.

I'm supposed to be finding directions to A's baseball game tonight, my computer can't do map applications.

peace out--

Elizabeth said...

skim milk is not so apalling. i drank it all the time at school...and i didn't mind it either:)

YAY for skim milk.



Anonymous said...

You've joined Americorps??

Is that a part of your program or something? Or are you planning on doing it on the side or something? Cause I looked into that before and it seemed like a full time commitment thing. How're you working that?

And ummm...does your family have something against skim milk?? I know it's a wussie drink compared to regular milk and all, but still...

- Gregg