Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bumbling Along

So the start of school has kept me exceedingly busy and slightly remiss on updating. So many things to tell you all about! But to keep this from taking me the rest of my life, I'll stick with the most West Coast adventure that I've had to date: the Ellensburg Rodeo.

Let me tell you, rodeos are wicked cool. Shane and I went with his friend Cody (yes the two friends I was there with had appropriately cowboy-esque names) and Cody's family bought us the tickets. It was quite an event and I learned many things. The first was that rodeos are really exciting and I like them a lot. I wasn't sure that I would like it, because the whole idea was vaguely reminiscent of a bull fight, and those I find somewhat appalling. But we got to watch all sorts of events, including bareback riding, steer wrestling, barrell-racing, and even bull riding! The bullriding was the coolest part. I had no idea that the rodeo clown is there for a purpose. Maybe you already knew all this, but the rodeo clown has all sorts of mad skills, and the main purpose of him being there is to buy a bull rider precious seconds after he has been bucked off the bull. Bulls get real mad at the people riding them, so while they are running to safety on the sidelines, the rodeo clown deflects the attention.

So I'm slowly becoming a native out here, and if I stay out here, I'm probably going to have to name my sons things like "Ty" and "Wes" just in case they want to become cowboys. All the men in the rodeo had very appropriate names for their profession.
Well I'm off to dinner then church!


Anne Appert said...

um, first of all, I don't think that is an option, everyone here misses you too much and second of all, you could name your kids Ty and Wes even if you live here. I think they are both cute names and don't have to be cowboy names.
Anyway I am glad you are having fun and that things seem to be going well.
I will have to call you soon since I haven't talked to you in forever.
Happy bap-day!

Unknown said...

I heard that they get the bull so angry by doing something awful to it's testicles, dunno how true that is but it would make sense I suppose...

I've seen videos of rodeo clowns having bad things happen to them by bulls, who'da thunk clowns could be badass??

Emily said...

Don't be alarmed, I've made no plans to stay anywhere, just trying to be open-minded. But seriously, rodeos are cool. And I'm officially a huge fan. I want to go to more. :)