Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's been a while

Currently Reading: Theology of the Body for Teens, Theology of the Body for Beginners. Crossing the Threshold of Hope

The last two weeks have been more or less insane. We've finished our high stakes testing and the kids are done being good in school. I have never had such a problem with disrespectful speech in my classroom as I have this week. Someone made a "your mom" joke, someone else told me that they didn't like me and couldn't wait to be done with seventh grade. This made me feel pretty wonderful about teaching.

On a more cheerful note, I was asked to help at this afternoon's track meet, and it was loads of fun. I spent the first hour and a bit raking gravel at the long jump pit, until they got someone more qualified to replace me: a seventh grade boy. Unfortunately, he displayed significantly more skill at sand raking than I did. My students did marvelously. One of my girls ran a six minute mile, and both my boys ran an incredibly fast 100m dash. My girls won the 800m medley by a landslide. I have a bit of a sunburn, but it was totally worth it, and the kids were so excited to see me there. They explained all the events and came over to chat with me at the pit where I was raking, and the gym teacher was there, so once I was replaced I watched a few of the races with him.

Also, I got to go to Autumn's wedding in Minnesota last weekend. It was amazing to see her and Jeremy and be there with them for their special day. Aut was beautiful and the whole thing was a lot of fun. It was a lot of traveling for one weekend, and I'm still waking up ridiculously early because of time zone issues, but I am so glad I went. I was the only one of our friends from high school who got there. I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures.

I miss home a lot since spring break. I'm having a slightly difficult time here, but excited to be back in a few months/


Crystal said...

dont feel bad. one of the students in my program told another student to let me know i was fat and ugly and mean. i had a middle schooler throw a football at my car as i was driving away too. just think, soon your first year of teaching will be over! after this you can do anything! june is really only a little while away, i promise :)

K.M. Camiolo said...

The first year is the hardest. And it's nearly May...then June...then HOME! : )

Rosie & Genna had their dance pics today...Rosie in full tutu glory, Genna in her unitard with fringe (also glorious)...and yesterday Rosie had her softball picture, I have no clue if her career will be long but geez louise she is cute. Especially since she's lost so many teeth, and she's gotten more freckly...and she's about 5 inches shorter than the next shortest kid on her team. Tomorrow is the first game...should be interesting!

We did Dave's birthday this weekend...there is leftover cake calling me...last night we went out and I tried real delicious, I was astounded. Insanely good, I felt inordinately proud of myself.

glad you had fun at is training going for you? (did the schedule conflict resolve?). I have to start running again. Urp.

anyhoo, hope you survive the last few weeks...eek!


Anonymous said...

That is one of the issues that you have to learn to deal with and something that I'm going to have to learn to deal with when I become a nurse. It's kind of like having a satisfying that isn't satisfying. Your job is going to be filled with kids that don't respect you, teachers and administrators and parents that won't like you, and probably many other hardships that make the job seem like it's not worth it. Just as my job will probably be full of changing old people's diapers, watching people slowly die, and not being respected by my Dr. peers...But what we have to understand is that at the end of the day, we are making a difference in the world. On the short term it seems like we are not doing much, but we are doing our little part to make the world better. And when you look at yourself in the mirror at night and in the morning you can remember that.

You should be a sports coach! You can get the kids to run with you and use them to help you practice for your marathons!!

And aren't marriages fun?? 8 )