Friday, January 28, 2011

Why don't adults write book reports?

This week each of my students had to hand in a portfolio of their strengths as a student. In their masterpieces they had to tell me what kind of assignments they enjoy the most and why. The response was both typical and overwhelming. Many of them couldn't think of a single assignment they enjoyed. :) A few told me that I was only steps away from being the perfect teacher...if I would just never give homework. But many of the more reflective 12 year-olds believed that book reports were the most fun and also the most interesting assignments.

Of course this got me thinking: why don't adults write book reports? I remember in middle and high school, the highest recommendation a book could receive was that your friends liked it. I remember when Laura Provinsal's mom bought her a series of Christian romances, we all read them. When Liz and I got hooked on Harry Potter, everyone wanted to borrow the books when we were done. My students are the same way- those who "hate" reading will pick up almost any book recommended by their peers.

I actually miss writing book reports. My solution to this is easy- the next time I assign one, I will simply make one of my own. Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm sure there are others out there who miss talking about a good read, or somehow presenting your book and creativity to a larger audience. I know I do.:)

Any suggestions for a good book to start with?

1 comment:

K.M. Camiolo said...

The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin...she also has a facebook page and will send you a discussion guide if you are going through the book with friends!

I also really enjoyed Mennonite in a Little Black Dress, but I'm not sure that would be for everyone. I found it hilarious.

A Thousand Sisters ... if you want to feel a resurgence of "need to save the world". Sigh. This was a tough read...and I couldn't put it down.

I tend to go for nonfiction more than fiction these days. I have enough drama in my real life, you know? : )

So glad you are posting more, I am a blogaholic. : )


ps I recently read Number the Stars by Lois I wish I could write for YA readers...