Saturday, August 22, 2009

Taking this in a new direction

So I realized that sometimes this blog may sound a little whiny, and I want to change that starting from this moment forward. I'm not the only person who's ever moved to a new place and had a hard time adjusting, so instead I want to focus on the adventures of this place I find myself calling home.

For example, right now I am sitting in a really cute little independently owned coffee shop in southeast Portland. There are so many lovely places to sit and drink a cup of coffee in this city. This one is attached to an offshoot of Powells, which is the world's most amazing bookstore. If you are ever in Portland, Powells is a must-see. I had a moment in a coffee shop this morning as well, where I was able to sit by a window and watch the world go by while scribbling down a few lines of poorly written poetry. It made me realize that I really like to sit in coffee shops and read and write. This also made it occur to me that there is no reason not to do this when in Yakima. The one cute coffee shop in town is within walking distance of my new home, so maybe once a week it would be good for me to get out of the house and go sit there for a while to do just that.

I also reread Regina Doman's The Shadow of the Bear this weekend and it rekindled in me a desire to write something of value. This summer was an interesting time for me as I took a long look at what had become of my faith during the first year of PACE. I realized that I value the Catholic identity of my personal faith, and now I need to see what that means for my life as a teacher and hopefully someday as a writer. I love the idea of rewriting fairy tales, but I also love the idea of infusing my writing with my own Catholic identity, slthough unlike Regina, I think that I want to keep these two goals separate and maybe write two totally different kinds of books. We shall see where these musings take me. My poetry about women in the Bible is slowly but surely coming along. If anyone wants to give me feedback, it would be greatly appreciated. (hint hint, I need someone to read for me :)

On that note, I think I'll sign off for the night and start writing something creative.


Anne Appert said...

I like reading poetry!!! and I like giving feedback too :)
I love moments where you just feel inspired to be creative. I feel the same way about art alot. I wish I could just sit in a coffee shop and draw but alas there are few of those in NJ. And people get creeped out if they think you are drawing them.
That is great that you are getting more into writing again. maybe you always have been but its been a long time since you talked about it.
I miss you a lot and can't wait to hear from you again!

Unknown said...

hey I'll give your stuff a look over and give you my opinions...

lord knows it'd give me something to do, and I could use some stuff to read that isn't freagin' biology for a change...

so if you want some feedback send em to me 8-)