Sunday, June 28, 2009

Of Time and Of Seasons

Not only is the title of this post the title of one of my favorite books, it is also something that has been weighing rather heavily on my mind in recent days. I'm working on a Bible study via email and a book with Sara, and it focuses on the story of Esther. The timing in that story is crazy, and it led me to think about time in my own life. If you had told me a year and a half ago that I would move across the country, be happily single, live with strangers, teach seventh grade, run a half marathon or so many other things that are going on in my life, I would have laughed at you. But here I am, and at this time, that is my story. It's also been jarring to see how places where the timing in my life matched up with my friends have changed. My time and others' had ceased to line up so well, and I find myself becoming closer with people who are at a similar time in their life. I also have been thinking of the idea of an "acceptable time" and realizing that God and I seem to have very different ideas about what this acceptable time is. I am, however, beginning to be ok with going with the flow and following God's lead on these types of things.

In other news, I successfully completed a half-marathon on Saturday, and right within my goal time of 2 and a half hours. I feel an enormous sense of accomplishment about this. Last year at this time I couldn't even run one mile without feeling winded, and this year I ran 13.1 miles, all while raising money and awareness of a cause I feel very strongly about. Life is very good.

My new roommates are utterly amazing, and I am looking forward to this summer. It's going to be amazing.


Unknown said...

You deserve that feeling of accomplishment. You put your mind to something and you made yourself a strong person not only mentally but also physically! Not only did you do that for yourself, but you also did it while helping other people. I honestly can't imagine a better scenario; you are quite amazing.

And I sorta remember hearing that the book of Ester didn't have anything to do with God. Isn't it about how the Jews were in captivity or something and had to use their own wits to outsmart those who would do them harm; without the help of God? Or am I thinking about a different story. If I am right then how could one make a bible-lesson about that??

Elizabeth said...

That sounds awesome! the bible study about the book of esther...could you maybe pass some of that along? That is possibly my favorite or one of my favorite books of the bible. :)

and congrats again on finishing the race! that is so cool :)