Friday, May 29, 2009

Some highlights of the year

Here are some of the more quotable moments of the last year:

Andrew (to me): Which way do you run?
Josh: Forward mostly.

Me: We're making cards for Fr. Pope.
Kids: Why?
Me: He lost his brother.
Josh: Did they find him yet?

Me: Christian, how's the math coming?
Christian: Good. I'm on number....
Me: Yes?
Christian: (long pause, looks at hands) I was trying to make a 12, but then I realized I only have 10 fingers.

Drew: This room isn't big enough for my talent.

I was walking around my religion class, looking at the art projects, when I asked before thinking, "Why is everyone making babies?"

I'm sure there are more...


Unknown said...

I love words, and words love me...

Ruthann said...

Hahaha, you're right - these are definitely ones to add to the book. :)

Crystal said...

so i guess im not the only one who feels like her life is an episode of Kids Day the Darndest Things. miss you!

Laura said...

haha that just made my day!