Thursday, March 26, 2009

Soon and Very Soon

Soon and very soon, I am going to New Jersey! Today is the last day of the third quarter, and also the last full teaching day before spring break. On Sunday, at the crack of dawn, I will be on a plane flying directly from Seattle to NJ! Tomorrow is a half day of school because we are having the 33 annual Jog-A-Thon. All the kids and teachers wear sweats and their JAT t-shirts and we walked the whole school a few blocks downtown and they run laps for an hour. They've all been pledged, and it seems crazy to me, but the school raises over 30,000 dollars with this event each year.

My marathon training had to be put on hold due to the unfortunate fact that over a week ago I fell down some stairs at school and my ankle is still swollen and painful. I'm on the verge of going to see a doctor about it, because it doesn't seem like it should still be a problem. I still haven't heard from the powers that be whether or not I'll be able to run the half, but I've decided that I'm going to press forward with training and fundraising nevertheless. So if you are a friend who is employed currently, you will most likely be receiving an email from me in the next few days. If you know any businesses that would pledge me, please let me know so that I can send them a begging letter.

Yesterday was the longest day of school ever. I left the house at 7:15 am and didn't get home until 9:30 pm. Our supervisors are up from Portland, so it's kind of a crazy week of meetings and observations. This afternoon I am going to look at the house we might move to next year.

Ruthann's visit was awesome. She got to see all the sights, sit in on a Religion class or two, and met all the most important people in Yakima. We went to sandwich Sunday and helped to make over 1000 sandwiches for the homeless of Yakima. All in all, it was a very successful weekend, planned entirely on the spur of the moment, as all the best weekends are.

I can't wait to be back in NJ!


Anonymous said...

jeze, that sucks about your ankle. I hope it gets better in time to runt he marathon. but take my advice from someone who knows something about injuries and exercise (and who's training to be a nurse); don't try to keep training if it's hurting your ankle more. you can sort of tell the difference between pain that is superficial and pain that feels like something is wrong. if you're jogging and it gets to be the latter type of pain just don't train until it feels better because you're prolonging the injury otherwise. it always seems like a good idea at the time until you find out you've done more damage to it because you wouldn't stop training. just try to keep that in mind...

that's an uber long day of school. thank goodness I never had to stay in school for that long a day; it wold have driven me crazy. what kinda stuff did they have you do after classes were done for about 6 hours or so??

You & ruthann are sandwich making machines!! And I'm sure NJ is looking forward to your visit as much as you are 8 )

K.M. Camiolo said...

um, yeah, see a doctor.


We can't wait to see you! And we'll be pledging, just digging out from the Coffeehouse stuff...but we Will be Pledging! G has plans for a bake sale, I think.


funny, the secret word is wisheme. Like Wish Eme! wishing you right home... : )

Elizabeth said...

I am counting down the hours...I AM SO EXCITED THAT YOU ARE COMING HOME!!!!!

Ruthann said...

Emily, your ankle is still swollen? I should not have let you take me on that walk! Please tell me you are not still taking them, because believe me, they stop being healthy when they are aggravating an injury.

Use more ice!