Currently Reading: The Westing Game (to my students), Educating for Life, Seeds of Hope
Yesterday was officially the longest day ever. I had foolishly promised my students that I would make them pumpkin muffins for a Halloween party in Religion, so I woke up at 5:30 to start baking them. Then my classes were leading the school in the All Saints Day mass, so I got to school bright and early to make sure that everything was set up right for it. My students were amazing. They read slowly and clearly, sang loudly and beautiful, and just overall did a wonderful job. I was really really proud of them.
Classic my school moment, we had an assembly this afternoon for the raffle fundraiser, and it was insane. They pulled ten kids' names from a jar holding the names of all the kids 6-8 that had turned in raffle tickets. These ten kids then got to play dodgeball against the principal and vice principal. Then they thought it would be a good idea to get the teachers involved... So I had to play against ten middle schoolers, who thought there was nothing funnier than trying to peg their teachers with dodgeballs. The other problem with being the youngest teacher on the staff is that I was the best at dodgeball...At the end it was me against ten rabid middle schoolers. It did not end well for me.
Then we had to stay after school and set up for the halloween festival. My booths toke a long time because we had to hang mats on the walls for the radar gun throw. Our record for the night was an eighth grader who could throw a 61 mph pitch. The carnival went until 7:30, but I didn't get home until 9. So from 5:30 to 9 I was working. It was slightly ridiculous. I then went pretty much straight to bed. Kristin and Kristin went out...I still haven't seen them this morning.
Here are some pictures from yesterday....Kristin and I dressed up as our students. Literally. I was wearing an actual uniform for the school and the mismatched socks that the seventh graders find particularly fashionable right now.
Much love to all,
ok, so I totally wish I went to that school as a middle schooler. My teachers never made muffins for me. Nor did I ever get to throw a dodgeball at them. It sounds like a lot of fun happens in Yakima,
Although me and my friends totally rocked the halloween parade! :)
I like your costume a lot. I've heard of students dressing up like teachers but not the other way. very creative of you.
I miss you a lot and can't wait for the next month and a half-ish to go by so I can see you again.
If you think of it, I might have a really awesome opportunity so just say a little prayer that it works out. if you remember.
Love you tons!
That all sounds like so much fun!!!
and that is a very creative idea for costumes. I didn't get to dress up this year because of the retreat...but the retreat was AWESOME!!! it was probably the best retreat ever. :) can't wait to see you soon!!!! only about a month and a half....YAY!
Miss you!
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